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1. Associations in Canada

  • ATIA: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta - the only association of certified translators, court interpreters, and conference interpreters in the province of Alberta.
  • ATIM: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Manitoba - a non-profit organization founded in 1980 by a small group of professional translators and recruited members in the public and private sectors in Manitoba.
  • ATINS: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia - a provincial association founded in 1990 to give translators and interpreters of the province the opportunity to meet and discuss matters of common concern, and to provide a link with translators and interpreters of other provinces and countries.
  • ATIO: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario - founded in 1920 and is the oldest organization of translators, conference interpreters, court interpreters and terminologists in Canada.
  • ATIS: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Saskatchewan - the only association of certified translators and interpreters in the province of Saskatchewan and committed to high professional standards in its translation and interpretation services.
  • ATTLC: Literary Translators' Association of Canada - its mandate is to promote the art of literary translation and advance the interests of literary translators in Canada.
  • CTINB: Corporation of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters of New Brunswick - was founded in Fredericton in 1970 and became a member of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) in 1972.
  • CTTIC: Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) - founded in 1970 and legal successor of the Society of Translators and Interpreters of Canada (STIC), which had been incorporated in 1956. It is now a federation of seven provincial and territorial bodies, one of which, the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO) is a founding member, along with the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ).
  • NTE: Network of Translators in Education - an organization that brings together independent workers and employees involved in fields as diverse as translation, interpretation, terminology, copy editing, writing, publishing and communications, with a particular focus on education in Canada.
  • OTTIAQ: Ordre des Traducteurs, Terminologues et Interprètes Agréés du Québec - an order with a reserved title representing more than 2,000 members, all of whom are certified language professionals.
  • WAVLI: Westcoast Association of Visual Language Interpreters - the provincial professional association of interpreters who work between spoken English and American Sign Language (ASL).
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    3. Associations in the USA

  • ALTA: American Literary Translators Association - bridges cultural communication and understanding among countries and languages through the art and craft of literary translation and is the only organization in the United States dedicated solely to literary translation.
  • ATA: American Translators Association - the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the United States with more than 10,000 members in 90 countries.
  • IMIA: International Medical Interpreters Association - a US-based international organization committed to the advancement of professional medical interpreters as the best practice to equitable language access to health care for linguistically diverse patients.
  • NAJIT: National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators - promotes quality services in the field of legal interpreting and translating and ensures due process, equal protection and equal access for non-English or limited English proficient individuals who interact with the judicial system.
  • NCATA: National Capital Area chapter - a dedicated group of professional translators, interpreters, language services companies, and language-related institutions who foster quality and professionalism in translation and interpreting in and around the nation's capital.
  • NOTA: Northeast Ohio Translators Association - a not-for-profit corporation in Ohio in 1978, and recognized as the second Permanent Chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA) in 1979.
  • NOTIS: Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society - forum for professional translators and interpreters in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
  • NYCT: New York Circle of Translators - a New York State not-for-profit corporation with a membership of several hundred independent translators and interpreters as well as companies and organizations.
  • WITS: The Washington State Court Interpreters and Translators Society - supports the trial courts and strives to ensure high quality interpreter services.
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    4. International Associations

  • AIIC: International Association of Conference Interpreters - the only global association of conference interpreters. Promotes high standards of quality and ethics in the profession and represents the interests of its practitioners.
  • AITC: International Association of Conference Translators - the professional body representing translators, précis-writers, revisers and editors working on a temporary or permanent basis for international organizations or conferences.
  • Critical Link International International Council for the Development of Community Interpreting
  • IFT: International Federation of Translators - an international grouping of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists with more than 100 professional associations and representing over 80 000 translators in 55 countries.
  • Translators without Borders - assists in translating more than two million words per year for NGOs such as Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), Médecins du Monde, Action Against Hunger, Oxfam US and Handicap International.
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    5. Associations in Other Countries

  • Argentina: Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires - the non-governmental public law entity accredited by Argentina, was founded in 1973 for the governance, control and registration of professional members in various languages.
  • Colombia: Asociación Colombiana de Traductores e Intérpretes - an association of translators and interpreters in Colombia.
  • Finland: Association of Translators and Interpreters - a non-profit professional body that aims at fostering professionalism and quality in translation and interpreting in Finland with ca. 1,900 members.
  • Great Britain: The Institute of Translation & Interpreting - has over 3400 interpreter and translator members who specialize in more than 100 languages and dialects from around the world.
  • Japan: Association of Translators - was founded in May 1985 as a means for individual translators to exchange information and insights.
  • South African Translators' Institute - a professional association for language practice professionals in South Africa. Membership is open to all translators, interpreters, editors, proofreaders, text reviewers, terminologists, copywriters and anyone else involved in the language practice industry.
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    Blogs, Magazines, and Newsletters

  • Away with Words - Nancy Friedman's blog about language, words and context and corporate life.
  • Legal Translations Legal Translations: Seven Outrageous,Cases Where Translation Errors,Changed Lives
  • The Translation Journal - an online magazine which is a great source of practical information for translators and interpreters. Excellent web logs, personal profiles, case studies. And, you can send your questions to "Fire Ant and Worker Bee". A labour of love by Gabe Bokor of New York.
  • WinTranslation Blog - contains interesting articles about agencies, obtaining quotes, and web page translation, among other topics.
  • World Poetry Website - a site featuring a reading series, newsletter and a radio show and honoring poets and musicians who compose in Canada's more than 100 languages.
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    Certification, Degrees, and Continuing Education

  • Aguinas Institute, British Columbia - the only interpretation and translation service company that offers in-house training programs to interpreters, translators and the general public.
  • Basic Subtitling skills - online course Subtitling is one of the most creative types of Translation. Studied within the field of Audiovisual Translation, subtitling is a very intriguing profession that requires both translation skills and deep understanding of the technical considerations involved, and the conventions applied. This interactive course helps participants introduce themselves to the basic subtitling strategies and technology, understand the industry and the mechanics of the profession.
  • Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface - offers a certificate and/or a degree in English-French translation.
  • Interpretation and Translation Program at SFU, Vancouver - offers diploma and certificate programs in Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.
  • MCI: Master of Conference Interpreting - home to the Centre of Excellence for French-language and Bilingual Post-secondary Education, and with a venerated tradition in languages and liberal arts, Glendon is the ideal environment for a two-year intensive program in interpreting.
  • The Open University - Masters in Translation This award-winning qualification is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills as a translator, equipping you to work in the fast-growing Translation Services industry. You will experiment with different genres through practical, inspiring translation activities, and hone your practice through peer review. You will gain hands-on experience of using tools necessary to operate in this rapidly-evolving area (e.g. audio-visual translation or cloud-based translation tools). Your work will be underpinned by an understanding of translations theories and debates.
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    Fun with Language

  • Lexical FreeNet - A rich lexical toolbox, this program allows you to search for rhymes and relationships between words and concepts that might never have occurred to you before.
  • Mind Breakers - check out this big list of puzzles and riddles.
  • Wordsmith - features a daily word with its meaning, etymology, usage and pronunciation. Also offers anagrams, acronyms, dictionary and thesaurus by email.
  • World Wide Words - more than 2500 pages on the origins, history, evolution and idiosyncrasies of the English language worldwide.
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  • Business Practises - read about management practices from the monthly "Business Smarts" column in The ATA Chronicle.
  • Community Futures BC - find out about economic programs for small businesses in rural areas.
  • Industry Canada Site for small businesses - information and statistics about small enterprises in Canada.
  • Small Biz Education Centre - this all-Canadian site will help you make money, save money, and provide peace of mind by providing you with streetsmart tips, insights, and practical advice.
  • Small Business BC - British Columbia's premiere resource center for knowledge-based business products and services. Its core activities are supported by funds from Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training.
  • The Court Interpreter program The Court Interpreter Program in BC provides spoken and visual language interpreters, and CART captioners at all levels of court and for all proceedings. The program is overseen by the Court Interpreter Program Lead. Click on link for the application form for Court Interpreters who would like to work for the Court Services Branch.
  • Womens Enterprise Centre - leading resource for women entrepreneurs in British Columbia.
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    Language-specific Sites

  • English: Common Errors - detailing common errors in the English language.
  • English: Curmudgeon's Stylebook - written for copy-editors containing topics on hyphenation, abbreviations, capitalization, compound words, etc.
  • English: FAQ about English Usage and Grammar - find answers to frequently asked questions about the English grammar.
  • Spanish: Foro de Terminología de la Informática y de las Comunicaciones
  • Spanish: Jergas de Habla Hispana compiled by Roxana Fitch. Very practical for those cases where even Spanish speakers can't understand each other. Compendium of regionalisms.
  • Spanish: Verb Conjugation - this tool allows you to conjugate Spanish verb infinitives.
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    References for Translation and Interpreting Professionals

  • British Columbia Supreme Court - a good source of information for legal translators and interpreters.
  • Encyberpedia - a collection of dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias and other references across diverse topics and several languages.
  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World - an encyclopedic reference work cataloging all of the world’s 6,912 known living languages.
  • IATE: Interactive Terminology for Europe - multilingual database of the European Union, successor of Eurodicautom.
  • Internet Law Library - features extensive summaries of over 600 court decisions shaping the law of the web; providing facts, analysis and pertinent quotes from cases of interest to those who do business on the Internet and in New Media.
  • Language Portal of Canada - a Web site that showcases Canadian expertise in the area of language and informs readers about Canadian resources that deal with different aspects of language.
  • Martin Dale's Reference Desk - a collection of references across a variety of topics.
  • Microsoft Language Portal - Microsoft's search portal for translations of key software terms and general IT terminology.
  • Multilingual Legal Glossary - a glossary of 5,000 Canadian legal and court-related terms in English, Plain English, and their equivalents in six other languages (Chinese, Farsi, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese).
  • New Official French Terminology for Climate/Sustainable Development The new official terminology in French for climate/sustainable development as a result of the Conference in Paris, now available on the French government website.
  • OneLook Dictionaries - A site that allows to do lookups in over 60 dictionaries simultaneously and also links to glossaries and other information sources.
  • Other Languages - is building a reference resource for over five thousand linguistic minorities and stateless languages worldwide.
  • Remote Simultaneous Interpreting: Options and Standards
  • Translator Pub - translation portal to connect and discuss with translators, interpreters, proofreaders, editors and out-sourcers worldwide.
  • Translators Directory - directory of translation professionals.
  • University of Vaasa Terminology Collection - a comprehensive collection of links to special language dictionaries, terminology data banks and general language dictionaries available on the web.
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    The Profession

  • Hanako Muraoka was the Japanese translator for Anne of Green Gables, perhaps the single most important factor in Japan's fascination with the L.M. Montgomery classic. Her granddaughters have posted historical materials about the process of translating the work.
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    Translation Tools

  • Eureka Mailing List - a list primarily for those working in English, French, Spanish (Moderator: Yvan Cloutier) containing detailed advice on various Internet tools (search engines, glossaries, etc.) effectively to perform specific research tasks translators and terminologists frequently need to do.
  • Should I use machine translation? - an article written by Professor Alan K. Melby who offers guidance in deciding whether machine translation is likely to succeed in your particular environment.
  • Tools for Translators - a very useful collection of facts about translation tools (DejaVu, Trados, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Framemaker, OpenOffice, etc.) - maintained by Nelson, who is a STIBC-Certified and ATA-accredited translator.
  • UN terminology collections
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    © 2021 Society of Translators & Interpreters of British Columbia
    Suite 400, 1501 W Broadway Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), V6J 4Z6
    Tel: 604-684-2940 Email
    Powered by AMSS Memlink Association Management