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Application Requirements for Associate Membership:

  1. All candidates must be Canadian citizens, or be Canadian permanent resident holders living within Canada at the time of application.

  2. Candidates must be proficient in two languages as translators or interpreters one (1) year's experience as a translator or interpreter, whether full time, part time or volunteer within the last three years

  3. Interpreters must have completed a minimum of 200hrs in interpreting. Translators must have completed the minimum word count, varied per language, (please see below) accumulated over the last two years at the time of application:
  • Canada's official languages (French or English) 110,000 words;
  • Spanish, Chinese and Punjabi: 80,000 words;
  • All other languages: 30,000 words.

How to Apply:

  1. Fill in our online Member Application Form Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of $130 (plus GST) that can be paid online by credit card, or mailed to us by cheque or cash. (click here for the application form)

  2. Once you have applied, you will receive a confirmation email from us asking you to submit your:
    • Resume (recent within the last 2 years);
    • Copies of any degree, diploma, or certificate. Preference will be given to candidates with an educational background in Translating and/or Interpreting;
    • Reference letter from a client or employer that clearly states your interpreting hours or word count accumulated over the last two years.

  3. STIBC will advise you if you have sufficient education and experience to be conditionally accepted into the Society through our "On Dossier" process, or if you must undergo the process of "Admission by Exam".

The admissions committee requires a minimum of four weeks to review an application.

Exams to be taken:

Admission by Exam (Associate):

  • Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable payment of $120 (plus GST);
  • Candidates must successfully pass one or all of the following:
    • English Language Proficiency Exam;
    • Admission Translation Exam;
    • Ethics Exam.

Admission by On-Dossier (Associate):

  • Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable payment of $120 (plus GST);
  • Candidates must successfully pass the Ethics Exam.
    The Ethics exam is mandatory for all applicants to the Society.

The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request additional information or to require a candidate to take additional exams. This applies to both candidates accepted on Admission by Exam or On Dossier.

Upon successful completion of the admission process, the candidate is admitted as an Associate Member and must pay annual membership fees. (The current annual membership fee for Associate Members is $189.00; however, pro-rated membership fees will apply to candidates who are admitted throughout different months within the year).

Fees are subject to change without notice, and all application fees are non-refundable.

© 2021 Society of Translators & Interpreters of British Columbia
Suite 400, 1501 W Broadway Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), V6J 4Z6
Tel: 604-684-2940 Email
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